Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings will be held on the third Thursday of every month at 6pm in Parchment City Hall. In the event that a meeting is canceled a notice will be placed on the bulletin board in the entryway of City Hall.
Parchment City-Wide Garage Sales May 16-18
Now is the time to clean out those closets and basements! The City-Wide Garage Sales will be May 16-18.
Join the fun of this community event and earn some spending money for summer fun!
Don’t forget that the Bulk Trash Pick-Up will be on Tuesday, May 20 for any unwanted items.
2025 City Commission Meetings
The Parchment City Commission Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of every month at 7pm in Parchment City Hall, 650 S Riverview Drive.
The exceptions would be Tuesday, September 2, 2025 (holiday 9-1-2025)
There will be a Work Session/Goal Setting meeting for the 2025-2026 Budget immediately following the February 3 and April 21 Commission meetings.
The agenda packet is available on the City Hall tab, under Agenda Packets and Minutes. The public is welcome to attend.
Self-Guided Walking Tour of Kindleberger Park History
Karen Woodworth (Library Ambassador), in collaboration with Cheryl Lyon-Jenness, has just launched a self-guided walking tour of the history of Kindleberger Park on the PocketSights app.
You can view the tour on the free PocketSights app (perfect for when you are actually in the park), or you may view it on their website here:
The tour starts at the library and has nine stops. Each of the stops has written notes about the Park’s history, an audio narration (by Cheryl), lots of photos, and even a film clip of the Park’s dedication in 1933.
Kindleberger Arts Commission Meeting
Kindleberger Arts Commission Meeting
The second Monday of every month (Except July and August) at 6 pm at Parchment City Hall, 650 S Riverview Drive.
The Public is welcome to attend.
Parchment Planning Commission Meeting
The Parchment Planning Commission will meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except November and December) at 6:00 pm in Parchment City Hall.
The public is welcome to attend.
SWMP Report
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program protects the surface waters of the state by assuring that discharges comply with state and federal regulations. Anyone discharging to surface water of the state are required to make application for and obtain a valid NPDES permit.
The City of Parchment (City) is committed to ensuring that stormwater runoff from its roadways and facilities complies with all federal and state environmental regulatory requirements.
The City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Individual Permit (MI00600184), hereafter referred to as the MS4 Permit, is issued through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) and is administered at the State-level by the EGLE. The City’s program is part of the Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), authorized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Clean Water Act. This permit replaces and supersedes previous coverage under the MS4 General Permit.
Parchment’s MS4 Permit is applicable for five years and effective from August 20, 2018 to October 1, 2022. It authorizes stormwater discharges from City of Parchment’s MS4 service area to surface waters within the City Limits.
The City service area is regulated by the MS4 Permit covers any separate storm sewer system owned and/or operated by Parchment and located within census urbanized areas (CUAs) of Michigan identified in the 2010 Census by the U.S. Census Bureau.
This is the City of Parchments permit application that has been approved by EGLE. Comments or questions can be directed to the City Manager at